Thursday, July 14, 2011

Anti-Aging Secret Revealed

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How to look 25 years younger, by TONIGHT!

If you're like me, you've tried every anti-aging cream under the sun.

But no matter which cream, pill or potion you try... it seems that NOTHING can battle back the ravaging effects of time... a fact that's depressingly reflected back in the mirror every day (at least it was for me!)

But as I recently discovered... you don't need magic face packs (or Botox!) to *instantly* look as if you've shaved YEARS from your appearance.

In fact, I've learned of 5 simple steps you can do in the comfort of your own home... that often knock as much as 10-25 YEARS off your 'real' age... a fact that everyone around you will verify when they next see you!

This "secret" is endorsed by high-profile celebrities and beauty experts worldwide... yet is striking fear into the heart of the multi-billion dollar cosmetic industry, who are frantically trying to keep it hush-hush and tightly under wraps.

They hope you'll never find this out, but... you don't need expensive cosmetics (or painful surgery!) to turn back the clock. You just need to follow these 5 simple steps every day... to "activate" instant anti-aging!

What are those 5 secret steps? Find out at:

And even better — I've arranged for you to take a whopping 25% off the price everyone else is paying... offer expires midnight EST on July 18th, 2011.

Just use the following coupon code at checkout, for an instant 25% off the already-low advertised price:


(Enter it exactly as above, all capitals, in the box on the order page. Copy and pasting is easiest!)

But you must act now... the coupon is good until next Monday only. Grab your 'anti-aging miracle' at:


Friday, July 1, 2011

Say GOODBYE to Being Shy!

Picture this...

You arrive at a party. When you walk in the room, EVERYONE stops and stares for a second, before crowding around you to talk.

Everyone wants a piece of you; you're the center of attention. When you speak, people LISTEN.

They cling to your every word. You crack jokes effortlessly, and people find you funny... irresistible... and strangely magnetic.

Members of the opposite sex can't help being around you. Everyone wants to be your friend... to seek your advice... to indulge in your stories. You're strong, attractive, confident, radiating power and respect.

You're the top of the food chain— the *alpha* personality that everyone loves and adores (and is secretly jealous of!).

If that describes you, great — you're well aware of how this rare ability affords you an incredible lifestyle, fun and thrilling social encounters, and opens doors to career opportunities closed off to the general public.

But if that's NOT you, listen up... because you're seriously missing out. And what's more, you *can* be that person, almost immediately.

In fact, if you're the type who shies away in the corner... avoids social confrontation... can't stand being the center of attention (but would love to!)... and is SCARED TO DEATH at the thought of standing up and speaking in front of a crowd of people...

I can turn you into the most confident person in the room!

See, the reason you're shy and introverted isn't because you're any less social, humorous, intelligent or charismatic than others. Many confident people aren't smart or charismatic at all... they just don't fear what other people think of them.

As a child, you were conditioned to keep your mouth shut (Ever been told by your parents "Don't talk to strangers?") You were ordered to obey authority figures like parents, teachers, adults. As a grown-up, this "learned" behaviour is like a knife to your confidence... and is no longer relevant to your life.

It's time to shake it off!

The good news is, you can completely *reverse* the conditioning that's no longer valuable in your adult life... in just minutes. It's quick, effortless, requires zero practice, and works even if you don't think it will.

That's because, I have access to a powerful hypnosis CD that targets your negative ego, and re-programs your mind to immediately enjoy greater confidence.

It's called "Extrovert Me!" and it has already helped HUNDREDS of people kill confidence issues dead (and it's only just been released to the public!).

You can grab it instantly at:

What's more, if you use the coupon code below at checkout, you'll get 30% off the regular price that everyone else is paying — good until midnight on Friday, July 9, 2011 only.

Your unique coupon code is:


There's only one catch— with your new confidence, you're going to enjoy some CRAZY social situations that may freak you out at the start :)